How to make Halloween social media spook-tacular!

Halloween is just around the corner, possibly waiting to jump out and shout ‘boo’, and doubtless you’re reading this while carving a pumpkin or preparing bags of sweets (or maybe you’re just reading it at work). Regardless, you may look around and see retail businesses getting out the Halloween decorations

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Top Tips: Improve Your Social Media Marketing (Part Two)

Most companies have a social media marketing plan and offer a number of social media marketing jobs. You’d be crazy not to embrace the benefits of social media marketing. There have even been a huge number of social media marketing books written! In our last article we gave you some general tips

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Top Tips: Improve Your Social Media Marketing (Part One)

How is your social media marketing? Good? Bad? A bit in the middle? Somewhere in outer space? Regardless of your proficiency with social media marketing, here are some general tips to help you improve. Variety is the spice of life It’s a simple one, but a useful one. If you

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Business website needs to be attractive

Are you a business owner and are you looking a way to reach more customers? Business website is the answer to your needs. However it can’t be just another website. There are few things you need to remember about to make your website attractive for the potential customers and to make it

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How to prepare an effective AdWords campaign?

An effective AdWords campaign is something that many business owners dream about. Google AdWords ads are there for good and are an important part of the internet marketing. Thanks to them, it is possible to reach a large number of potential customers and present them with an offer or a

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