This is our step by step guide to, from setting up your profile and marketing on When you are ready just click the orange box [Get started!] and away we go!

Overblog sign up

Stage 1 (Signing up)

The good news here is that we have quite a few really good options. From a basic Email, password and blog URL sign up, to the simple one click

Google, Twitter and Facebook signup. While the last 3 are the easiest ways to sign up I will be just using the email one because not everyone has those accounts. So when you are ready and have entered all the details needed or clicked the sign up button of choice we can move to the next part by clicking on the orange [Create my Overblog]

Overblog sign up – stage 2

Stage 2 (Setting up your profile)

As you can see by the light yellow bar at the top at this image you will need to verify your email address at this point. So just pop into your emails, confim it, and then you can move on to the next step of setting up your profile.

Overblog sign up – stage 3

For this part we are going to ignore just about everything on this page except the part I have circled in red. Just click on the tiny arrow and then click on the orange text “User Settings” this will set up our main profile.

Overblog sign up – stage 4

When you have clicked in, this is page you are presented with, and the first tab [Profile] is the only one you need to deal with for now. First up is your display name, then the good part for local SEO is your location! Perfect indeed. And then Biography, and then a nice and bright Profile picture. Nothing too hard at all, just basic info. Just a quick note, is that with the Biography on this and any other website sign up, make sure it is as unique as possible and maybe place a link inside it. Even if it is not click-able it will look good and make the profile look more professional.

Once you have done all that you will need to click the orange [Save] Button and then when that has saved, click on the overblog logo in the top left hand corner. Then we are back to the original log in page. There are a lot of options here on the bottom right, but for now we will ignore those and go on to create our first post. When ready just click on the orange [New Post].

Overblog sign up -Making a post

Stage 3 (What is the perfect post?)

As you can see I have listed what the top line things are on the main post features. These are just to help you edit the main body of text. And these are the other options on this page…

Overblog sign up -Making a post stage 2

and above I have listed all the main points that this page offers, so go ahead, write your post and then select the networks you are going to share them on! Simple really. When you are 100% happy with the post all you need to be is click the orange [Publish] Box.

Please note here, that when you do click that orange [Publish] button it will not go back to the main page, it will stay as it is. To move to your main blog you will need to click on the logo image I have circle in red in the image below.

Overblog sign up -Making a post stage 3

Then you just need to click on the orange link and it will take you to the main page of your blog an indeed your very first blog post.

Well done. Now I thought I would pop back to the main page by clicking on the black whirlpool logo in the top right hand side, this takes us back to the main login page and we will take a look at some other features that I think deserve some time.

Overblog sign up – Main Details

The section on the right hand side called “Connect your Social Hub” is the most powerful aspect of overblog. With a massive range of social media and blogger sites to integrate with, you really can create a blog that is something amazing, some thing wonderful. After all why should people visit all you social media and blog sites interdependently, when they can get to see it all in one place!

Profile Link? – No

Profile Image? – No

Background Image? – Yes

Post Links? –Yes

Post Amount Limitations? – No

Image Support? – Yes

Video Support? – Yes

Hashtag Support? – No

Location Support? – Yes

Tags Support? – Yes

Bookmarking Opportunity? – Yes

Turn on/off notifications? – Yes

Summary and final thoughts? – Overblog is a VERY powerful tool indeed and one that if integrated right can create an all in one feed for your business. I really do think it is worth the effort and time spent signing up and loging into all the options this site has. And at the very worst no-one reads it, but it looks pretty anyway.

About the author

Pogo Digital

Digital Marketing Services at Pogo Digital Marketing

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